Saturday, January 9, 2010


It is Saturday and Carolyn's girls are here....Wyatt stayed "over" at a friends house last night...her name is Hailey. Matt and Carolyn are running and will be back later.

I had breakfast with my friends this morning. We have been doing this breakfast thing for several years now....We try to meet every month and we also celebrate birthdays with crazy cards. This morning was a little too early for me..7:30am and I should have left at 6:30 but got a little late start, but made it only a few minutes late.

I have been thinking about all that we have been doing the last few months. When we decided that we should sell our felt good to have a direction to go, instead of just drifting in a sea of high mortgage and debt. It has been really hard and painful, but next week....WHEN this house is ours...we will be free of the huge mortgage and on a road that we can handle. We still have debt that we need to get under control and we should be able to do that now. Don has a job interview next Wednesday and IF he can get that job....we will be sitting pretty good. BUT, if he does not get that job....I am choose to believe that God is in total control and we will be fine. Life is funny....the things that we worry about usually don't happen and we waste so much time worrying about. If we could just relax and remember that God has promised us that He is in control and ALL things work out for the good. When we thought we wanted to buy the house behind, God knew that that house was not good and He "sold" that house before we could buy it. He had the perfect house for on Mount Oak...not Mount Cedar (the house behind Carolyn was on Mount Cedar...funny huh???) This house has a nice big deck with a big hot tub. The property is really nice....most everyone has said that they like it better than our other house with the great view. We have a lot of tall pine trees and they also landscaped with many plants that will be very pretty in the spring. The house is small but we are making it work. So, my thought for today is....relax and let God take the lead...He knows what is best for us and if we will let Him....all will be fine.

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